NDIS Support Coordination

NDIS Support Coordination Services

Indecare offer NDIS Support Coordination Services to help you implement your NDIS plan. This service can be referred to as Support Connection or Coordination of Supports.




Indecare helps you find the right services

Indecare’s Support Coordinator works with the disability and community sectors of the Sunshine Coast Community and can connect you to quality providers and services.

Removing the confusion of your NDIS Plan

The process of implementing your plan can seem overwhelming and difficult to navigate. At Indecare our Support Coordinator’s role is to make your NDIS plan less confusing. Our Support Coordinator is like your own personal assistant  – that helps you understand your plan and connects you with the services to get the best out of your plan.



We listen and help develop your skills ...

You have the right to full participation in this process. We listen to your needs to help you build the skills you need to source the right providers, find the most suitable services and coordinate your supports for you.

Indecare Support Coordinator Sunshine Coast
– We’re On your Side

You need someone on your side who understands the NDIS because the NDIA can often make things seem very complicated. Firstly, Indecare can help you where you are not sure and secondly, over time we help you develop the skills to do more and use us less. In the end, we are there to support you to work towards your goals.


NDIS Support Coordination Information

The NDIS website contains further information on how a Support Coordinator can help you. For more information you could look at the “What is Support Coordination?” video or read more on the NDIS website.